Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday is here and my studio isn't

Well I said Wednesday would be the day for getting my studio up and running well unfortunately I didn't look at the weather report when I wrote that and it stormed all day -hail, thunder, lightning, rain! ERRRR....
On a brighter note, I had my first international sale on Etsy.
Well I wrote the above paragraph on Wednesday and left it in my draft folder. So now its Saturday night. My sweetie is sprawled out on the couch watching the Sharks (hockey). Being on the East coast now he records all his west coast hockey games. So here we are its late, the kids are in bed and asleep and I'm spent! Emotionally and physically drained. I should be ecstatic or the very least relieved. Why? My ventilation is finally together and complete ! I haven't tested it yet and I suspect that is why I'm holding back the champagne. My sweet sweet husband spent a good part of the day on the roof putting up a vent cap - no he's never done this before and even though he did a very thorough job he will worry about it leaking until the day we move out. What was I doing? I was hunched over, balancing myself on the rafters in the attic so as not to go through the ceiling. And at the same time I was trying my damnest to connect ducting from the cap to the blower and I just couldn't get it to work. After cutting up my hands and getting snappy with Scott I finally had to just cry. Being the sweetie that Scott is he came to my rescue and finished the job for me. So now he's watching the hockey game and he's got the whole coach to himself and he doesn't even have to feel bad for it. Well I've eaten way to many cherry cream filled hershey kisses and a too big glass of wine.
Sleep is needed and a fresh perspective. I may even finally light my torch tomorrow.

Monday, February 25, 2008

What to do when you are in a lampwork Limbo

I have a new mantra for today "By Wednesday" I will repeat this every time an idea for a bead pops into my head or when I start to feel a bit cantankerous because my studio is in pieces and I can't make the beads that are bouncing around in my head.
I will also visualize myself sitting under my new hood with its perfect dimensions and my new exhaust fan sucking all the horrible fumes away from my face and me making perfect beads with a perfect flame that isn't being blown around by the fan at my back or the wind coming through the open garage. I will finally be able to sit for hours without getting fed up by the number of flies, mosquitoes, you name it, whatever is attracted to my blood and light. I will no longer have crazy June bugs dive bombing into my flame and knocking into everything. I will finally have my studio in my own nirvana.