So I took on this custom bead order for a ton of time-consuming-layers-upon-layers-beads. Luckily I really do love this style. I thought I would be bored by now but I'm not but what I am is fruuustrAAted!
In my enthusiasm on getting such a big order I didn't think enough about the color combinations I was asked to do.... so now I find myself trying to come up with alternatives/variations on some of these. I should have been done with these but now I find myself trying to figure out how to layer certain colors without having them bleed onto each other. That is the science part of lampworking. I haven't explained this to my customer about layering certain colors and how they will react. I was trying to see this as a puzzle that I would somehow solve. Now many of these colors would be stunning together in a different design but I was trying to have multiple layers and keep nice crisp lines. it just doesn't always happen the way you picture. urrrr
This is what happens when you combine green and blue- 

Some of the blue and green came out better then others. When combined with a white layer to seperate the two it was easy to make a consistently good bead with this pattern.
I didn't know black and grey would prove to be this difficult:

This color combination, no matter what order the colors were in, they just didn't want to behave. They play nice when they aren't layered or you don't need crisp lines like I was trying to do.
Now these blue and white just looove making crisp lines when layered-they really get along splendidly! 

here are a few more that just sing when they are together....

I certainly learned a lot from doing these - there are many more examples you can see up on my flickr page, anyway I'm off , its lunch.