I have two craft fairs under my belt now and both times I questioned my sanity the week before the show. I really thought I had learned my lesson after the first show. But I did not. Once again I had very late nights and long days of getting beads and jewelry ready for the show. Some how I got through all the negative thoughts and self-doubt and kept going.
The night before the show I crawled painfully to bed at 2 in the morning but feeling good that I had enough product to sell plus some. The morning of the show went smoothly. My kids were up and ready and we left the house with plenty of time...or so I thought. The show was about 2 hrs away in Columbia, South Carolina and bout half way to the show I realized I had forgotten my beads and jewelry!! WHAT THE #@%*?! How did I walk pass my case in the hall ?? How did the most important thing get left behind ?? So we turned back around- I still didn't give up. No melt down...yet. Got back to the house and still felt like we could make it on time. Got the case, got back on the freeway and realized there was no way in hell we were going to make it before the start of the show. I had a total melt down. I bawled. It wasn't pretty. My kids tried to reassure me. I just couldn't stop. Then my son gave me a letter. "Dear Mommy, I know you worked really hard for the bead show. You are the best mom ever. Love, Gavin" It brought me back down. I dried my tears and decided I would make the best of it. I will cherish that letter forever.
Fast forward,
Crafty Feast was a success ! It went amazingly fast. Made some money. There were so many steller sellers. I even did a trade! I got these absolutely beautiful napkins from
Rustbelt Fiberwerks. I am actually looking forward to the next show! So what will I do differently next time you ask? I will start early. I will start now for the next show. I will not wait for tomorrow what I can do today. I will not forget my beads.